Exhibitions,Competitions and Shows

  • Photographic inventories and yearbooks
  • Publication of the APA NEWS, the APA Bulletin, PR magazines, and so on.
  • Disclosure of survey data on the APA website
  • PR and education programs for advertising photographic images
  • Contribution of photographs and reference materials to other publications

The APA engages in various publishing and PR activities to express its opinions broadly on a society-wide scale, as well as in the field of advertising photography. Each year, the association publishes a compilation of recent images in Yearbook-Advertising Photos in Japan. In addition to the APA NEWS, we publish an information magazine called Shun (Moment) and post a variety of information on the APA website. In all of these activities, our object is to publicize our activities and opinions, and deepen the public’s understanding of advertising photographers and their craft.

Yearbook Advertising Photos in Japan 2007
Yearbook Advertising Photos in Japan 2007
information magazine Shun (Moment)
information magazine “Shun (Moment)”
Planet Earth and Human: YES. NO. Picture Book
“Planet Earth and Human: YES. NO.” Picture Book